Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Not much Going on!

I'm not as terribly behind posting as I usually am!! haha! I will have a little more time now. Since the last post, I have started school! I know that this will be a good thing for me to do but gosh, I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to go back. We have had a lot of work and it has been hard for me to adjust to. I was trying to work as well as go to school. I was only working 16 hours but I couldn't seem to keep those many hours. I was so tired I would fall asleep at 5 in the afternoon! So I decided, after missing a few assignments, that I could not handle it all. The job was not bringing in any money other than a little extra spending money for me, so I decided to quit. This was a decision Anthony and I made together. If I was not pregnant, I would have just pushed myself and done it all; because I am we didn't want me pushing myself too much. So I am now a full time student!

I love my classes, most of them! I don't really care for the science class just because the teacher is a little off. I am taking a Special Ed class that I love! I think I like this class so much because it hits home a lot more than other classes. Growing up my dad, my sister and I, to a slighter degree, had learning disorders that were never really diagnosed and dealt with. My nephew also will need special education because of his cerebral palsy. I am taking Trig which is proving to be a little difficult simply because I have not had a real math since 2004! I am also taking Language Arts and Developmentally Appropriate Practices. I thought I would be able to ease back into classes but it was not like that. The teachers started first day and we have not stopped since. The computer is used a lot more now. Most homework and assignments are submitted through the internet. The campus has changed some too and it has all taken some adjusting.

I am trying to make myself meet and get involved with the people in my classes. I lot of them are young but not all of them. I know that sounds funny but I'm a good 5 years older than them and in different area of my life then most of them as well. The good thing is I will have classes with these girls till I graduate!

Update on the pregnancy!!! I am feeling much better! I am 14 weeks and 4 days!! I go back to the doctor on the 9th of Feb. Anthony will be home for that appointment. I am hoping that Dr. Kot will schedule us for an ultrasound so we can find out what we're having. Anthony wants to be here for it but unless they can schedule it the next week (very doubtful), it will have to be around March 12 before we can get it done and Ant be here. I am going to talk to him and see if I can call him while I am there and just find out like that. He is being a little stubborn with it though. I just don't think I could or should what that long to get an ultra sound but it would put me about 20 weeks. I don't know. I will find out next week and let you guys know!!

Something else I forgot to tell ya, Lucy may have found a new home! Not that we were trying to get rid of her. I stayed one weekend with the In-Laws and left Lucy with Robin & Ian while I stayed with Quinn & Stephen. They fell in love with Lucy and wanted to keep her. So when we left AL this past weekend, we left Lucy there. So she maybe living with LaLa & Papa from now on!


  1. ha ha... yes Lucy has found a new home. She is sleeping with Elliot every night. He is gettting up and running with her in the morning. Papa plays with her all morning. Then Elliot again in the afternoon. Lala gets her calm in the evenings! She met the soccer field last night and loved it. She raced Coleen all over the place. I talked to Dr. May and will take her in to see him soon as you get me a copy of her medical records from your vet. So far so good!

    Now, how is Minnie Mouse today? How are you? How is my son?

  2. Karen, I am glad you are feeling ok and everything is going well with school/pregnancy! If it makes you feel better, I had to wait until 19-20 weeks with both pregnancies for the "big" OB will not schedule it before 19-20 weeks because some of the major heart vessels cannot be seen as well before that time. It is usually done around 20 weeks, so you may have to wait until March but it will be a special thing to have Anthony there with you when you find out!
