Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Good News!!

I know that I have not posted in a while but I have done that on purpose. There is only one thing that I wanted to blog about and I couldn't until now!

Anthony and I are pregnant again!! We are in our 13th week! We are due on the 31st of July!!! We are super excited! We waited to start telling everyone till we were out of our first trimester for obvious reasons. We have had one appointment and one sonogram. We have another appointment on the 9th of Feb.

When we found out that were pregnant, it was a Sunday night. Anthony had been home since Thursday and we were out eating. I was a little quezy and didn't really know why. Anthony asked me if I was pregnant and I said No you've only been home for a few days that's not possible. Well I came home that night and just took a HPT to see. I never expected it to be positive. I had been taking like five a month hoping and I thought I had just finished my period so I wasn't expecting it.

I had been having long periods, like ten day periods. The doctor and I just chalked it up to stress. So I took care of what was stressing me and apparently the weekend of my birthday we got pregnant. I didn't know because around the 24th of November I had some spotting that I thought was my period.

The Monday after my positive HPT, I called my doctor like she told me to and she prescribed me Prometrium, which is a progesterone supplement to help to sustain the pregnancy. Along with that and a baby aspirin everyday, I managed to make it this far. I don't have take the medicine anymore because the placenta is fully formed enough to provide the baby with the nutrients that it needs. The following Friday, I had an appointment with the doctor but I started spotting that morning so we just did some blood work and schedule a sonogram. A week later I had the sonogram then the next week I had my first appointment and everything is fine. I did have a lot of nausea and couldn't eat a lot the first month I knew. I have gotten my appetite back but haven't started gaining the weight back yet. People have told me that that will come in time. I am just happy to have a baby on the way.

People keep asking me if we want a boy or girl and we just say we want a healthy baby!! We have a few names picked out but we (I) don't want to name the baby till I see it. For now it will be known as Minnie Mouse!! Haha. You probably thinking "What!?!" I told Addy the other night that Aunt LuLu had a baby in her belly. Addy asked " Is she gonna be a girl?" I said "I don't know yet." "Well is she gonna be a boy?" "I don't know yet?" "What are you gonna name her?" I don't know, we have to wait and see." She starts getting upset because all I can tell her is I don't know so I asked her "What do you want to call?" She thinks for couple of seconds and goes "Minnie Mouse" I said How about just Minnie She said "NO! Minnie Mouse!!" So I now have Minnie Mouse in my belly!!

This really an answered prayer we are so excited!!

Our little baby bean @ 8 wks!!!